Plenary Speakers

Prof. Bernard Amadei Bio
"Founder, Engineers without Borders
Professor, University of Colorado, USA"

Title: Global Engagement for a Small Planet
Mr. Ramu Damodaran Bio
Chief, United Nations Academic Impact, United Nations, USA
Title: Sustainability and the United Nations: the Role of the Academic Community
Prof. Woong-Han KimBio
Professor, Seoul National University, Korea
Director, JW LEE Center for Global Medicine

Title: Transformative Technologies & Global Health: A Systems Approach
Prof. Yong-Soo Kim
Professor, Hanyang University, Korea
President Scientist and Engineers without Borders

Title: Challenges for Affordable and Clean Energy for Developing Countries

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Dong-Gyu Ahn Bio
Professor, Chosun University, Korea
Title: Applicability of additive manufacturing process to appropriate and sustainable technologies
Dr. Mathias Brockmann
Doctor, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Title: Sustainable Productivity by Digital Shadows
President Youngsang Cho Bio
President, Jadam and Natural Pesticide Institute, Korea
Title: Revolutionary Change-Ultra-Low-Cost Organic Farming by JADAM
Prof. Christoph Hermann
Director, Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST
Professor, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

Title: Green batteries through Computational Life Cycle Engineering
Prof. Jun-Seok Hwang
Professor, Seoul Naitonal University, Korea
Title: SNU-ASTU EDCF Project Vision 2025 for UN SDG Contribution
Reporter. Hye-Won Jeon Bio
Reporter, Sisa-In, Korea
Title: Can Artificial Intelligence Close the Education Gap?
Dr. Suil Kang Bio
Professor, GIST
UNFCCC Technology Executive Committee Director, Korea

Title: Main activities of UNFCCC Technology Mechanism for facilitating the development and transfer of climate technology
Prof. Sami Kara Bio
Professor, Univ. New South Wales, Australia
Title: Circular Economy: A pathway to Sustainability?
Dr. Hyung-Ju Kim Bio
Director-General, Green Technology Center Korea
Title: The Era of ESG Management : Roles and Future Perspectives on Appropriate Technology
President Bongrae Lee
President, Hesed Agriculture Trading Co.,Ltd., Kambodia
Title: Building Value Chain of Cambodian Palm Sugar Business
Dr. Woosung Lee Bio
CEO, RISTI(Research Institute of Sustainable Technology and Innovation), Korea
Title: Climate Technology and Green New Deal ODA: CTCN (Cimate Technology Center Network) Technoolgy Needs Assessment and Korean Green New Deal ODA
Prof. Yumi Lee
Professor, Seoul National University
Title: The SNUSR Digital Corps: A New Approach to Volunteering Programs in the Era of COVID-19
Dr. Woosung Lee Bio
CEO, RISTI(Research Institute of Sustainable Technology and Innovation), Korea
Title: Climate Technology and Green New Deal ODA: CTCN (Cimate Technology Center Network) Technoolgy Needs Assessment and Korean Green New Deal ODA
Prof. Seongbae Lim Bio
Professor, St.Mary's University, USA
Title: Appropriate Technology & Disruptive Innovation for the Common Goods
Dr. Matthew Matimbwi
Director, Tanzania Renewable Energy Asscociation-TAREA, Tanzania
Title: Opportunities of investing renewable energy in Tanzania
Prof. Subodh Mhaisalkar Bio
Professor, Nanyang Technological University
Executive-Director, Energy Research Institute at NTU, Singapore

Title: Carbon Neutrality: Challenge&Opportunities for Tropical Megacities
Prof. Karoli Njau
CEO, BIOCON(BioConversion Technologies Africa Co.Ltd)
Professor, The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Tanzania

Title: Safe Water Access in Tanzania and Local Mitigation Approaches
Dr. Jonghyun Park
Executive Director, SK Chemical, Korea
Title: Sustainable Packaging Solutions: Technology on Plastic Recycle
Prof. Aline Rougier Bio
Professor, University of Bordeaux, France
Title: Chromogenic materials for smart applications in energy saving
Prof. Kyo Suh
Professor, Seoul National University, Korea
Title: Embracing the future convergence and resilience of innovative agricultural technology
Prof. Kyoung Su Yi
Professor, Seoul National University, Korea
Title: Autonomous car smart mobility service : beyond pilot project

Forum Speakers

Prof. Thomas Gries Bio Kyenote Speakers
Professor, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Title: #Revier2030 – How BioEconomy and Digitalization lead to a new resilient and agil economy
Prof. Ceol Woo Park
Professor, Korea Polytechnic University, Korea
Title: : MERIT Industry and Smart Factory
Director Byung-Gul Cho
Director, Gyeonggi Banwolsihwa Smart Green Industrial Complex, Korea
Title: : Gyeonggi Banwol-Sihwa Smart Green Indistrial Complex
Director Song Jae Hun
Director, Major Policy Managing Division, Seongdong-gu District Office, Korea
Title: : Seongdong-gu, Smart Inclusive City
Director Min-won Park
: Director, Gyeongnam Changwon Smart Green Industrial Complex, Korea
Title: : Indroduction and discussion of the Smart Indistrial Complex project in Changwon